
The Temple Audio CD


A powerful message on how our Temple is made; Spirit, Soul & Body. Learn the Mystery of Gen. 1:26 and what the Father, Holy Spirit & the Son’s IMAGE (Appearance) is and their LIKENESS (how they operate). This message tells how to be free from soul ties with persons, places or things; you will be FREE from any darkness that is hindering your destiny. You will also learn how you ARE seated in Heavenly Places!!!

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A powerful message on how our Temple is made; Spirit, Soul & Body. Learn the Mystery of Gen. 1:26 and what the Father, Holy Spirit & the Son’s IMAGE (Appearance) is and their LIKENESS (how they operate). This message tells how to be free from soul ties with persons, places or things; you will be FREE from any darkness that is hindering your destiny. You will also learn how you ARE seated in Heavenly Places!!!